Advanced examples

Simulating a heated waveguide

Our circuit simulator ‘Caphe’ can also handle time-domain simulations. While the details are not within the scope of a getting started training, this example already gives an introduction. The first couple of steps should look familiar as the general format of the compact model is still the same.

  1. Create a new compact model

class HeaterBroadBandPhaseErrorCompactModel(i3.CompactModel):
  1. Add parameters.

    parameters = [

3. Add terms. We also add two electrical terms to apply a voltage difference across the waveguide.

    terms = [

  1. Implement the S-matrix

    def calculate_smatrix(parameters, env, S):
        # 2. This is the usual frequency domain S-matrix response for the component. It features a phase and loss
        # calculation, hence enabling a complex expression for the transmission. There is no reflection in this model.

        neff_total = np.interp(env.wavelength, parameters.wavelengths, np.real(parameters.n_effs)) + 1j * np.interp(
            env.wavelength, parameters.wavelengths, np.imag(parameters.n_effs)
        ratio = parameters.length / parameters.width
        phase_mod = np.pi * (parameters.v_bias_dc**2) / (parameters.p_pi_sq * ratio)
        beta = 2 * np.pi / env.wavelength * neff_total
        loss = 10.0 ** (-(parameters.loss_db_per_cm * 1e-4 * parameters.length) / 20.0)
        tot_phase = beta * parameters.length + parameters.phase_error * np.sqrt(parameters.length) + phase_mod
        S["in", "out"] = S["out", "in"] = loss * np.exp(1j * tot_phase)

The main difference is that two new methods are available:

  • calculate_signals: Captures the time dependence of the output signal on the input signal. In this case we take the length and group velocity of the waveguide into account to calculate a time delay.

  • calculate_dydt: Includes differential equations that describe the state of the system (e.g. temperature). This part is ommitted in this example.

    def calculate_signals(parameters, env, output_signals, y, t, input_signals):
        # 3. This function defines the output_signals as function of time (t), states (y), and the input_signals.
        # The main difference is that the output signal is delayed using the length of the waveguide and the group
        # velocity of the heated waveguide.

        v_diff = abs(input_signals["elec2"] - input_signals["elec1"])
        neff_total = np.interp(env.wavelength, parameters.wavelengths, np.real(parameters.n_effs)) + 1j * np.interp(
            env.wavelength, parameters.wavelengths, np.imag(parameters.n_effs)
        beta = 2 * np.pi / env.wavelength * neff_total
        ratio = parameters.length / parameters.width
        phase_mod = np.pi * (v_diff**2) / (parameters.p_pi_sq * ratio)
        tot_phase = beta * parameters.length + parameters.phase_error * np.sqrt(parameters.length) + phase_mod
        loss = 10.0 ** (-(parameters.loss_db_per_cm * 1e-4 * parameters.length) / 20.0)
        transmission = loss * np.exp(1j * tot_phase)

        neff_minus = np.interp(
            env.wavelength - parameters.delta_lambda, parameters.wavelengths, np.real(parameters.n_effs)
        neff_plus = np.interp(
            env.wavelength + parameters.delta_lambda, parameters.wavelengths, np.real(parameters.n_effs)
        dneff_dlambda = (neff_plus - neff_minus) / (2 * parameters.delta_lambda)
        ng = np.real(neff_total) - env.wavelength * dneff_dlambda
        t_delay = ng * parameters.length / (speed_of_light * 1e6)

        output_signals["in"] = transmission * input_signals["out", t - t_delay]
        output_signals["out"] = transmission * input_signals["in", t - t_delay]

As usual, this model can be attached to a PCell through its circuit model view.

        class CircuitModel(i3.CircuitModelView):
            # 7. We will assign parameters with a sensible default value directly (for the purposes of testing), whilst
            # other values (the wavelength range and matching effective indices) can be derived directly from the trace
            # template.

            p_pi_sq = i3.PositiveNumberProperty(default=100e-3)
            v_bias_dc = i3.NumberProperty(default=0.0)
            delta_lambda = i3.PositiveNumberProperty(default=0.001)
            loss_db_per_cm = i3.PositiveNumberProperty(default=2)

            def _generate_model(self):
                template = self.trace_template
                wavelengths = template.wavelengths
                neffs = np.array([template.get_n_eff(i3.Environment(wavelength=wl)) for wl in wavelengths])
                return HeaterBroadBandPhaseErrorCompactModel(  # return our model with completed parameters

To run a simulation, we also need to specify some sources. We’re going to send a constant optical signal through the waveguide while linearly increasing the applied voltage.

    def ramp_function(t_rise, amplitude):
        """Returns a simple linear voltage ramping function to apply to our circuit. "t" is the current time in the
        simulation, "t_rise" is the time it takes for the voltage to ramp to its maximum, and "amplitude" is the final
        value of the applied voltage.

        def f_step(t):
            if t <= t_rise:
                return amplitude * (t / t_rise)
                return amplitude

        return f_step

    dt = 1e-7  # setting up the time step variable for our simulation
    voltage_function = ramp_function(t_rise=70 * dt, amplitude=3)  # create our driving voltage function

    # 9. We will create a constant unitary optical source, and the driving voltage using the ramp function. Then we use
    # i3.ConnectComponents() to connect our component to the optical and electrical sources and an optical probe.

    optical_source = i3.FunctionExcitation(port_domain=i3.OpticalDomain, excitation_function=lambda x: 1)
    voltage_drive = i3.FunctionExcitation(port_domain=i3.ElectricalDomain, excitation_function=voltage_function)

Now, we can make a ‘testbench’ circuit that connects the sources to the waveguide, comparable to what you would do in a lab. The simulation is started by instantiating the circuit model of the testbench circuit and running get_time_response.

    circuit = i3.ConnectComponents(
            "wg": HeatedWaveguideTestCell(),  # the circuit we want to simulate
            "src_opt": optical_source,  # the optical source to be used
            "v_drive": voltage_drive,  # the drive voltage excitation
            "opt_out_probe": i3.Probe(port_domain=i3.OpticalDomain),  # our optical monitor
            ("v_drive:out", "wg:elec1"),  # connect the dc_voltage to one of the electric heaters in the circuit
            ("src_opt:out", "wg:in"),  # connect the optical source to the waveguide input
            ("wg:out", "opt_out_probe:in"),  # connect the optical probe to the waveguide output.

    # 10. We can plot the results of our time domain simulation using the get_time_response() function and some common
    # Python plotting functionality. As expected, the optical power is constant as there is no loss in the model from
    # applied voltage. However, there is a constant (small) propagation loss of about 0.4% due to the length. The phase
    # changes quadratically with a linearly applied voltage for the first 70 time steps, where the ramp stops, at which
    # point a constant phase is seen for the rest of the simulation.

    result = circuit.CircuitModel().get_time_response(t0=0.0, t1=1e-5, dt=dt, center_wavelength=1.55)

The result is plotted as usual using Matplotlib:


Time-domain simulation of a heated waveguide, linearly increasing the voltage across it

For more information, please visit the dedicated tutorial on circuit simulations in our documentation.