
class ipkiss3.all.MaterialStack

A MaterialStack describes a series of materials stacked on top of each other, each with a given height.

materials_heights: list, required

A list with (material, height) tuples

name: str and String that contains only ISO/IEC 8859-1 (extended ASCII py3) or pure ASCII (py2) characters, required

The name of the material stack

solid_height: optional
size_z: float and number > 0, optional
display_style: DisplayStyle, optional

A display style for visualisation of the material stack

get_material_id_at_z(z_coord, material_factory=None)

Given an z coordinate(or array of z-coordinates) returns the materials id number. The material factory can be passed but is withdrawn from the tech file by default.


Array of z coordinates at which you want the material id.


material factory in which to get the coordinates

material_id array
get_numpy_matrix_representation(environment=<pysics.basics.environment.Environment object>)

Make a numpy matrix with for each layer a row that contains: StackID | Layer Height | Layer epsilon | number of layers in stack


returns the height of the stack from bottom to top until the forst non-solid material is encountered


generates a copy where all adjacent layers of identical materials are joined


generates a copy where all adjacent layers of identical materials are joined

visualize(show=True, linewidth=1.0, titlepad=6.0, figure=None)

Helper function to plot a MaterialStack object with matplotlib.

show: bool

Defines whether to show the figure, default is True.

linewidth: float, optional

Width of a line

titlepad: float, optional

Offset for the title

figure: Figure, optional

Reuse existing matplotlib figure to visualize the MaterialStack

clip_copy(z_min=0.0, z_max=None)

Performs clipping of a stack between [z_min, z_max] and returns a new MaterialStack.

z_min: float

Starting clipping point

z_max: float

Ending clipping point


Returns a copy